
哈佛大学David Armitage教授论著PDF索引


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In Press

Armitage, David. In Press. “Cosmopolitanism and Civil War”. In Cosmopolitanism and the Enlightenment, ed. Joan-Pau Rubiés and Neil Safier. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. PDF


Armitage, David. 2018. 内战 [Civil Wars]. Beijing: China CITIC Press. Webpage

Armitage, David. 2018. “¿Se acabarán las guerras civiles? ”. El País 14854 (11 March 2018) : 2-3. Webpage

Armitage, David. 2018. Las guerras civiles: Una historia en ideas. Madrid: Alianza Editorial. Webpage

Armitage, David. 2018. “We Have Always Been Federal”. In The United Kingdom and the Federal Idea, ed. Robert Schütze and Stephen Tierney. London: Hart Publishing , p. 277-84. WebpagePDF

Armitage, David, Alison Bashford, and Sujit Sivasundaram, ed.2018. Oceanic Histories. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Webpage Front Matter

Armitage, David. 2018. “The Atlantic Ocean”. In Oceanic Histories, ed. David Armitage, Alison Bashford, and Sujit Sivasundaram. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press , p. 85–110. PDF


Armitage, David. 2017. 现代国际思想的根基 [Foundations of Modern International Thought]. Hangzou: Zhejiang University Press. Webpage

Armitage, David. 2017. “On the Genealogy of Quarrels”. Critical Analysis of Law 4 (2) : 179-89. Webpage PDF

Armitage, David, and Jo Guldi. 2017. これが歴史だ!. Tokyo: Tōsui Shobō. Webpage

Armitage, David. 2017. “Civil War Time: From Grotius to the Global War on Terror”. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting (American Society of International Law) 111 : 3-14. PDF

Armitage, David. 2017. “Three Narratives of Civil War: Recurrence, Remembrance and Reform from Sulla to Syria”. In Civil War and Narrative: Testimony, Historiography, Memory, ed. Karine Deslands, Fabrice Mourlon, and Bruno Tribout. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan , p. 1-18. Webpage PDF

Armitage, David. 2017. Guerre civili. Una storia attraverso le idee. Rome: Donzelli Editore. Webpage

Armitage, David. 2017. “Latin Lessons on Civil War”. BBC World Histories 3 (April/May) : 20. PDF

Armitage, David, and Jo Guldi. 2017. 历史学宣言 [The History Manifesto]. Shanghai: Truth and Wisdom Press. Webpage

Armitage, David. 2017. “Talkin’ ’bout a Revolution”. History Today67 (2) : 72. Webpage

Alexandrowicz, C. H. 2017. The Law of Nations in Global History. ed. David Armitage and Jennifer Pitts. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Webpage

Armitage, David. 2017. Civil Wars: A History in Ideas. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. Webpage


Armitage, David, and Fulvio Camarrano. 2016. “La storia perduta”. Corriere della Sera (31 December 2016) : 14-15. Webpage PDF

Armitage, David, and Jo Guldi. 2016. Manifiesto por la Historia. Madrid: Alianza Editorial. Webpage


Armitage, David, and Jo Guldi. 2016. Manifesto per la storia. Il ruolo del passato nel mondo d’oggi. Rome: Donzelli Editore.Webpage

Armitage, David, and Jo Guldi. 2016. Tarih Manifestosu. Istanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.

Armitage, David, and Joseba Elola-Olaso. 2016. “En historia, Trump es un completo ignorante”. El País : (25 September 2016): 8-9. Website

Armitage, David, and Irene Hernandez Velasco. 2016. “Trump es el símbolo aterrador del pensamiento cortoplacismo”. El Mundo : (23 October 2016): 16-17. PDF

Armitage, David. 2016. “Societal Suicide”. The Times Literary Supplement 5915 (12 August 2016) : 25. JPG

Armitage, David, and Roko Sven Surać. 2016. “Misli znalca: prof. dr. sc. David Armitage”. Rostra 9 (7) : 245-48. PDF

Armitage, David. 2016. “The ‘Genealogy’ of Civil Wars”. ΧΡΟΝΟΣ37. Web page

Armitage, David, and Markos Karasarinis. 2016. “«Επανάσταση και εμφύλιος πόλεμος είναι σιαμαίοι δίδυμοι»”. Το Βήμα : (7-8 May 2016) 20-21. Web page PDF PDF

Armitage, David. 2016. “Review of Geoffrey Hosking, Trust: A History”. The Times Literary Supplement 5893 (11 March 2016) : 27. PDF

Armitage, David, and Jo Guldi. 2016. “Longing for the Longue Durée”. Isis 107 (2) : 353-57. Webpage PDF

Armitage, David. 2016. “Tomorrow’s World”. The Times Literary Supplement 5884 (8 January 2016) : 28. PDF

Armitage, David, and Julia Gaffield. 2016. “The Haitian Declaration of Independence in an Atlantic Context”. In The Haitian Declaration of Independence: Creation, Context, and Legacy, ed. Julia Gaffield. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press , p. 1-22.Website PDF


Armitage, David. 2015. “Civil Wars, from Beginning .. to End?”. American Historical Review 120 (5) : 1829-37. Webpage PDF

Armitage, David. 2015. “Nicholas Henshall (1944-2015): An Appreciation”. History Today 65 (11) : 6. Webpage PDF

Armitage, David. 2015. “Radiating”. The Times Literary Supplement5852 (29 May 2015) : 9. Website PDF

Armitage, David, and Addie Schulte. 2015. “Denk weer over de langere termijn”. Het Parool (16 May 2015) : 44-45. JPG

Armitage, David. 2015. “Wider Still and Wider: Corporate Constitutionalism Unbounded”. Itinerario 39 (3) : 501–03.Webpage PDF

Armitage, David. 2015. “R. R. Palmer, The Age of the Democratic Revolution: cinquante ans plus tard”. Le Débat 184 (March-April) : 187-92. Webpage PDF

Armitage, David. 2015. “Weg van het kortstondig verleden”. Nexus69 : 38-50. Webpage

Armitage, David, and Jo Guldi. 2015. “The History Manifesto: A Reply to Deborah Cohen and Peter Mandler”. American Historical Review 120 (2) : 543-54. Website PDF


Armitage, David. 2015. [Foundations of Modern International Thought] 思想のグローバル・ヒストリ. Tokyo: Hosei University Press. Webpage

Armitage, David, and Alison Bashford. 2015. “Pacific Histories: Ocean, Land, People: Editors’ Response”. Journal of Pacific History 50 (2) : 237-40. DOI PDF

Armitage, David. 2015. “Horizons of History: Space, Time, and the Future of the Past”. History Australia 12 (1) : 207-25. Website PDF

Armitage, David. 2015. “Modern International Thought: Problems and Prospects”. History of European Ideas 31 (1) : 116-30. DOI PDF

Armitage, David, and Jo Guldi. 2015. “Le retour de la longue durée: une perspective anglo-américaine”. Annales. Histoire, Sciences sociales 70 (2) : 289–318. Web page PDF PDF

Armitage, David. 2015. “Every Great Revolution Is a Civil War”. In Scripting Revolution: A Historical Approach to the Comparative Study of Revolutions, ed. Keith Michael Baker and Dan Edelstein. Stanford: Stanford University Press , p. 57-68, 269-71. Website PDF


Armitage, David. 2014. “Why Politicians Need Historians”. The Guardian (7 October 2014) : 38. Website

Armitage, David. 2014. “A Labyrinth of Terror Made of Coral and a Fragile Global Wonder”. Los Angeles Review of Books (10 October 2014). Website

Armitage, David, and Jo Guldi. 2014. “Let’s Look at the Evidence”. Times Higher Education (2 October 2014) : 45-47. Website

Armitage, David, and Jo Guldi. 2014. “Bonfire of the Humanities”. Aeon Magazine (2 October 2014). Website

Armitage, David, and Jo Guldi. 2014. “Look Beyond a Lifespan”. History Today 64 (10) : 3-4. PDF

Armitage, David. 2014. “The First Atlantic Crisis: The American Revolution”. In Early North America in Global Perspective, ed. Philip D Morgan and Molly A Warsh. London: Routledge , p. 309-36.

Armitage, David. 2014. “Western Weed”. The Times Literary Supplement 5808 (25 July 2014) : 4-5. PDF

Armitage, David. 2014. “The Declaration of Independence: The Words Heard Around the World”. The Wall Street Journal 264 (5-6 July 2014) : C1-2. Website

Guldi, Jo, and David Armitage. 2014. The History Manifesto. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Website Jacket.pdf

Armitage, David, and Nicolas Delalande. 2014. “Les historiens, ont-ils les idées courtes? Entretien avec David Armitage”. La Vie des idées (24 June 2014). Website

Armitage, David. 2014. “Shaking the Foundations: A Reply to My Critics”. Contemporary Political Theory 13 (4) : 411-18. DOIPDF

Armitage, David, and Stella Ghervas. 2014. “The Power of Peace: Why 1814 Might Matter More Than 1914”. E-International Relations (7 April 2014). Website PDF

Armitage, David. 2014. “Unfulfilled Promises”. The Times Literary Supplement 5789 (21 March 2014) : 14-15. PDF

Armitage, David, and RR Palmer. 2014. “Foreword”. In The Age of the Democratic Revolution: A Political History of Europe and America, 1760-1800, Princeton: Princeton University Press , p. xv-xxii. Website PDF


Armitage, David. 2014. 《独立宣言》的全球史 [The Declaration of Independence: A Global History]. Beijing: The Commercial Press.Website PDF

Armitage, David, and Alison Bashford. 2014. “The Pacific and its Histories”. In Pacific Histories: Ocean, Land, People, ed. David Armitage and Alison Bashford. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan , p. 1-28. PDF

Armitage, David, and Alison Bashford, ed. 2014. Pacific Histories: Ocean, Land, People. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Website pacific_histories.pdf

Armitage, David. 2014. “The International Turn in Intellectual History”. In Rethinking Modern European Intellectual History, ed. Darrin M. McMahon and Samuel Moyn. New York: Oxford University Press , p. 232-252. PDF Chinese PDFportuguese_translation.pdf


Armitage, David, and Jo Guldi. 2013. “长时段的回归 [The Return of the Longue Durée]”. Global History Review (Beijing) 6 : 90-117.Website PDF

Armitage, David. 2013. “From Guano to Guantánamo”. The Times Literary Supplement 5775 (6 December 2013) : 10-11. WebsitePDF

Armitage, David. 2013. “The Anarchist Cinema of Peter Watkins”. Perspectives on History 51 (9) : 23-25. Publisher’s Version PDF

Armitage, David. 2013. “Space, Time and the Future of the Past”. The Australian Higher Education Supplement (21 August 2013) : 36. Publisher’s Version PDF

Armitage, David. 2013. “「國際轉向」– 敬覆評論 [The ‘International Turn’: A Reply to My Critics]”. Intellectual History (Taipei) 1 : 357-375, 377-400.Website PDF

Armitage, David. 2013. Foundations of Modern International Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Website PDF

Armitage, David. 2013. “Declaraciones de independencia 1776-2011. Del derecho natural al derecho internacional”. In Las declaraciones de Independencia. Los textos fundamentales de las independencias americanas, ed. Alfredo Ávila, Jordana Dym, and Erika Pani. México, DF: El Colégio de México-UNAM , p. 19-40. WebsitePDF


Armitage, David, Jaap Jacobs, and Martine van Ittersum. 2012. “Are We All Global Historians Now? An Interview with David Armitage”. Itinerario 36 (2) : 7-28. Website PDF

Armitage, David. 2012. “What’s the Big Idea? Intellectual History and the Longue Durée”. History of European Ideas 38 (4) : 493-507. Websiteariadna.pdf PDF revista.pdf

Armitage, David, and Gabriel Entin. 2012. “La interconectividad del pasado debería hacernos más humildes ante la globalización del presente”. Nuevo Mundo/Mundos NuevosWebsite PDF

Armitage, David. 2012. 独立宣言の世界史. Kyoto: Minerva Shobo.Website

Armitage, David. 2012. Las declaraciones de independencia. Una historia global. Madrid: Marcial Pons Ediciones de Historia. Website PDF

Armitage, David. 2012. “We Want More Scots”. The Times Literary Supplement (13 January 2012) 5676 : 12-13. PDF

Armitage, David. 2012. “John Locke: Theorist of Empire?”. In Empire and Modern Political Thought, ed. Sankar Muthu. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press , p. 84-111. Website

Armitage, David. 2012. “La primera Crisis Atlántica. La Revolución americana”. 20/10: El Mundo Atlántico y la Modernidad Iberoamericana, 1750-1850 1 : 9-33. Website PDF


Armitage, David, Yoram Schachar, and Sam Sokol. 2011. “The Question of Context and Identity”. The Jerusalem Post Magazine : 10-12. Websitejpost1.jpg jpost2.jpg jpost3.jpg


Armitage, David, and Rodrigo Elias. 2011. “Impérios que viram Estados”. Revista de História da Biblioteca Nacional (Rio de Janeiro) 74 : 56-57.Publisher’s Version

Armitage, David. 2011. “The American Revolution in Atlantic Perspective”. In The Oxford Handbook of the Atlantic World, 1450-1850, ed. Nicholas Canny and Philip Morgan. Oxford: Oxford University Press , p. 516-532.

Armitage, David, et al. 2011. “Interchange: Nationalism and Internationalism in the Era of the Civil War”. Journal of American History 98 (2) : 455-89.PDF

Armitage, David. 2011. Declaração de Independência: Uma História Global. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras. Publisher’s Version

Armitage, David. 2011. “Globalizing Jeremy Bentham”. History of Political Thought 32 : 63-82. PDF

Armitage, David. 2011. “Lasting Differences”. The Times Literary Supplement(15 April 2011) 5637 : 24. PDF

Armitage, David. 2011. “What Would Marx Say About Cairo?”. Foreign Policyonline (7 February 2011). Website

Armitage, David. 2011. “Probing the Foundations of Tully’s Public Philosophy”. Political Theory 39 : 124-130. PDF


Armitage, David. 2010. “Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina”. In The Encyclopedia of United States Political History, I: Colonial Beginnings through Revolution, 1500-1783, ed. Andrew W Robertson. Washington, DC: CQ Press , p. 142-44.

Armitage, David. 2010. “帝国の理論家ジョン・ロック?”. Journal of the College of Literature, Aoyama Gakuin University 51 : 1-28. PDF

Armitage, David. 2010. “Las propiedades de Shakespeare”. Revista de Occidente (July-August 2010) 351 : 107-128. PDF

Armitage, David. 2010. “Maps vs Chaps”. Literary Review (December 2010/January 2011) 383 : 27-28.

Armitage, David. 2010. “13 to 18”. The Times Literary Supplement (12 February 2010) 5576 : 7-8. PDF

Armitage, David, and Sanjay Subrahmanyam. 2010. “The Age of Revolutions, c. 1760-1840 – Global Causation, Connection and Comparison”. In The Age of Revolutions in Global Context, c. 1760-1840, ed. David Armitage and Sanjay Subrahmanyam. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan , p. xii-xxxiii, 218-23.

Armitage, David, and Robert Frank. 2010. The Declaration of Independence. New York: The Limited Editions Club. Website

Armitage, David. 2010. “Secession and Civil War”. In Secession as an International Phenomenon: From America’s Civil War to Contemporary Separatist Movements, ed. Don H Doyle. Athens, Ga.: University of Georgia Press , p. 37-55. Publisher’s Version

Armitage, David, and Sanjay Subrahmanyam. 2010. The Age of Revolutions in Global Context, c. 1760-1840. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Publisher’s Version


Armitage, David, et al. 2009. “Round Table on Armitage, The Declaration of Independence: A Global History”. RSA Journal: Rivista di Studi Americani 20 : 79-108. PDF

Armitage, David. 2009. “Foreword”. In The Unanimous Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776, ed. Mindy Belloff and Mary Katharine Goddard. New York: Intima Press. Publisher’s Version JPG

Armitage, David, and Michael J Braddick. 2009. “Introduction”. In The British Atlantic World, 1500-1800, ed. David Armitage and Michael J Braddick. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan , p. 1-9, 351-52.


Armitage, David. 2009. “Review of David Hendrickson, Union, Nation, or Empire”. H-Diplo Roundtable 10 (25) : 6-8. PDF

Armitage, David. 2009. “Noble-less”. The Times Literary Supplement (14 August 2009) 5550 : 5. PDF

Armitage, David. 2009. “Good of Others”. The Times Literary Supplement (22 May 2009) 5538 : 8. PDF

Armitage, David, Conal Condren, and Andrew Fitzmaurice. 2009. “Introduction”. In Shakespeare and Early Modern Political Thought, ed. David Armitage, Conal Condren, and Andrew Fitzmaurice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press , p. 1-22.

Armitage, David. 2009. “Ideas of Civil War in Seventeenth-Century England”. Annals of the Japanese Association for the Study of Puritanism 4 : 4-18. PDF

Armitage, David. 2009. “Civil War and Revolution”. Agora [Melbourne] 44 (2) : 18-22. PDF

Armitage, David, and Ruth Ben-Ghiat. 2009. “L’elefante e la balena: imperi terrestri e imperi marittimi”. In Gli imperi. Dall’antichita all’éta contemporanea, Bologna: Il Mulino , p. 55-72. Website

Armitage, David. 2009. “Shakespeare’s Properties”. In Shakespeare and Early Modern Political Thought, ed. David Armitage, Conal Condren, and Andrew Fitzmaurice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press , p. 25-43.

Armitage, David. 2009. Du Nouveau Monde à l’Amérique d’Obama. Un empire contre nature. Nantes: L’Atalante.Publisher’s Version

Armitage, David, Ian Hall, and Lisa Hill. 2009. “John Locke’s International Thought”. In British International Thinkers from Hobbes to Namier, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan , p. 33-48.Publisher’s Version

Armitage, David, and Michael J Braddick. 2009. The British Atlantic World, 1500-1800 (2nd edn.). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.Publisher’s Version

Armitage, David, Conal Condren, and Andrew Fitzmaurice. 2009. Shakespeare and Early Modern Political Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Publisher’s Version


Armitage, David. 2008. “The Shape of Wars to Come”. The Sydney Morning Herald : 33. Website PDF

Armitage, David. 2008. “Why We Share a Different History”. The Times Literary Supplement (21 March 2008) 5477 : 31. PDF

Armitage, David. 2008. “The Declaration of Independence in World Context”. In America on the World Stage: A Global Approach to US History, ed. Gary Reichard and Ted Dickson. Chicago: University of Illinois Press , p. 17-28. Website

Armitage, David, Christian Y Dupont, and Peter S Onuf. 2008. “The Declaration of Independence in World History”. In Declaring Independence: The Origin and Influence of America’s Founding Document, Charlottesville, Va.: University of Virginia Library , p. 31-40. Website

Armitage, David. 2008. La Dichiarazione d’indipendenza. Una storia globale. Turin: Utet. Publisher’s Version

Armitage, David, et al. 2008. “Critical Forum on Armitage, The Declaration of Independence: A Global History”. William & Mary Quarterly 3rd ser., 65 : 347-369. PDF


Armitage, David. 2007. “El enigma de Jamestown”. ABCD: Las artes y las letras : 12. PDF

Armitage, David. 2007. “Globalizing the Declaration of Independence”. Harvard International Review online (2 May 2007). Publisher’s Version


Armitage, David, and Lauri Tähtinen. 2007. “USA:n Itsenäisyysjulistuksen Periaatteet on Unohdettu”. Ulkopolitiikka 44 (4) : 60-63. Publisher’s Version

Armitage, David. 2007. “Birthday of Principle”. The Times Literary Supplement (6 July 2007) 5440 : 33. PDF

Armitage, David. 2007. “Past and Perilous”. The Times Literary Supplement(23 March 2007) 5425 : 9. PDF

Armitage, David. 2007. “Introduction: The World of 1607”. In The World of 1607, Williamsburg, Va.: Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation , p. 1-6.

Armitage, David. 2007. “From Colonial History to Postcolonial History: A Turn Too Far?”. William & Mary Quarterly 3rd ser., 64 : 251-254. PDF

Armitage, David. 2007. The Declaration of Independence: A Global History. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.Publisher’s Version

Armitage, David. 2007. “The Elephant and the Whale: Empires of Land and Sea”. Journal for Maritime Research 9 (1) : 23-36. Website PDF


Armitage, David. 2006. “Introduction”. In British Political Thought in History, Literature and Theory, 1500-1800, ed. David Armitage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press , p. 1-9.

Armitage, David. 2006. “Hobbes y los fundamentos del pensamiento internacional moderno”. Derechos y libertades 15 : 17-46. PDF

Armitage, David. 2006. “Hobbes and the Foundations of Modern International Thought”. In Rethinking the Foundations of Modern Political Thought, ed. Annabel Brett and James Tully. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press , p. 219-235. Publisher’s Version

Armitage, David. 2006. British Political Thought in History, Literature and Theory, 1500-1800. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Website


Armitage, David. 2005. “The Native Question”. The Times Literary Supplement(21 October 2005) 5351 : 10. PDF

Armitage, David. 2005. “The Contagion of Sovereignty: Declarations of Independence since 1776”. South African Historical Journal 52 : 1-18.PDF

Armitage, David. 2005. “The Scottish Diaspora”. In Scotland: A History, ed. Jenny Wormald. Oxford: Oxford University Press , p. 272-303. Publisher’s Version

Armitage, David. 2005. 帝国の誕生 : ブリテン帝国のイデオロギー的起源. Tokyo: Nihon Keizai Hyoronsha. Website


Armitage, David. 2004. “Edmund Fanning (1737-1818); Henry Lord (1563-?); William Paterson (1658-1719); Samuel Purchas (1577-1626)”. In The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, ed. HCG Matthew and Brian Harrison. Oxford: Oxford University Press , p. XIX, 16, XXXIV, 437-38, XLIII, 28-29, XLV, 575-76.

Armitage, David. 2004. “Tres conceptos de historia atlántica”. Revista de Occidente (October 2004) 281 : 7-28. PDF

Armitage, David. 2004. “‘That Excellent Forme of Government’: New Light on Locke and Carolina”. The Times Literary Supplement (22 October 2004) 5299 : 14-15. PDF

Armitage, David. 2004. “The Elizabethan Idea of Empire”. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 6th ser. 14 : 269-277. PDF

Armitage, David. 2004. “Is There a Prehistory of Globalization?”. In Comparison and History: Europe in Cross-National Perspective, ed. Deborah Cohen and Maura O’Connor. London: Routledge , p. 165-176.


Armitage, David. 2004. “Monstrosity and Myth in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein”. In Monstrous Bodies/Political Monstrosities in Early Modern Europe, ed. Laura Lunger Knoppers and Joan B Landes. Ithaca: Cornell University Press , p. 200-226.

Armitage, David. 2004. “The Fifty Years’ Rift: Intellectual History and International Relations”. Modern Intellectual History 1 (1) : 97–109. PDF

Armitage, David. 2004. Greater Britain, 1516-1776: Essays in Atlantic History. Aldershot: Ashgate. Website

Armitage, David. 2004. Hugo Grotius, The Free Sea. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund. Website PDF

Armitage, David. 2004. “John Locke, Carolina, and the Two Treatises of Government”. Political Theory 32 (5) : 602-627. PDF


Armitage, David. 2003. “Parliament and International Law in the Eighteenth Century”. In Parliaments, Nations and Identities in Britain, 1660-1850, ed. Julian Hoppit. Manchester: Manchester University Press , p. 169-186.


Armitage, David, Martin van Gelderen, and Quentin Skinner. 2002. “Empire and Liberty: A Republican Dilemma”. In Republicanism: A Shared European Heritage, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press , p. II, 29-46.

Armitage, David. 2002. “The Declaration of Independence and International Law”. William & Mary Quarterly 3rd ser., 59 : 39-64. PDF

Armitage, David, and Michael J Braddick. 2002. The British Atlantic World, 1500-1800. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Website

Armitage, David, David Armitage, and Michael J Braddick. 2002. “Three Concepts of Atlantic History”. In The British Atlantic World, 1500-1800, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan , p. 11-27, 250-54.


Armitage, David. 2001. “The Red Atlantic”. Reviews in American History 29 : 479-486. PDF


Armitage, David. 2000. “The Pocockiad”. Lingua Franca (April 2000) 10, 3 (3) : 54-55. Publisher’s Version PDF

Armitage, David. 2000. “The Global History of the Seven Years’ War”. Common-Place 1 (1). Publisher’s Version PDF

Armitage, David. 2000. “Edmund Burke and Reason of State”. Journal of the History of Ideas 61 : 617-634. PDF

Armitage, David. 2000. “The Political Economy of Britain and Ireland after the Glorious Revolution”. In Political Thought in Seventeenth-Century Ireland: Kingdom or Colony, ed. Jane H Ohlmeyer. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press , p. 221-243.

Armitage, David. 2000. The Ideological Origins of the British Empire. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Publisher’s Version


Armitage, David. 1999. “Answering the Call: The History of Political and Social Concepts in English”. History of European Ideas 25 (1-2) : 15-22.PDF

Armitage, David. 1999. “The British Conception of Empire in the Eighteenth Century”. In Imperium/Empire/Reich: Ein Konzept politischer Herrschaft im deutsch-britischen Vergleich, ed. Franz Bosbach and Herman Hiery. Munich: Saur Verlag , p. 91-107.

Armitage, David. 1999. “Greater Britain: A Useful Category of Historical Analysis?”. American Historical Review 104 : 427-445. PDF


Armitage, David. 1998. “Adam Ferguson (1723-1816); Catharine Macaulay (1731-91); John Millar (1735-1801)”. In A Global Encyclopedia of Historical Writing, ed. DR Woolf. New York: Garland , p. I, 312-13, II, 578, 624.


Armitage, David. 1998. “Introduction”. In Theories of Empire, 1450-1800, ed. David Armitage. Aldershot: Ashgate , p. xv-xxxiii.

Armitage, David. 1998. “Literature and Empire”. In The Oxford History of the British Empire, I: The Origins of Empire, ed. Nicholas Canny. Oxford: Oxford University Press , p. 99-123.

Armitage, David. 1998. Theories of Empire, 1450-1800. Aldershot: Ashgate. Publisher’s Version


Armitage, David. 1997. “A Patriot for Whom? The Afterlives of Bolingbroke’s Patriot King”. Journal of British Studies 36 : 397-418. PDF

Armitage, David. 1997. “Making the Empire British: Scotland in the Atlantic World, 1542-1707”. Past and Present 155 : 34-63. PDF

Armitage, David. 1997. Bolingbroke: Political Writings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Publisher’s Version


Armitage, David, and Hans J Hillerbrand. 1996. “Discoveries in the New World”. In The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation, New York: Oxford University Press , p. I, 486-87. PDF


Armitage, David. 1995. “Out of This World”. London Review of Books (16 November 1995) 17, 22 (22) : 15-16. PDF

Armitage, David. 1995. “The Darien Venture”. In Scotland and the Americas 1600-1800, Providence, RI: The John Carter Brown Library , p. 3-13.

Armitage, David. 1995. “John Milton: Poet Against Empire”. In Milton and Republicanism, ed. David Armitage, Armand Himy, and Quentin Skinner. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press , p. 206-225.

Armitage, David. 1995. “The Scottish Vision of Empire: Intellectual Origins of the Darien Venture”. In A Union for Empire: Political Thought and the British Union of 1707, ed. John Robertson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press , p. 97-118.

Armitage, David. 1995. “The New World and British Historical Thought: From Richard Hakluyt to William Robertson”. In America in European Consciousness, 1493-1750, ed. Karen Ordahl Kupperman. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press , p. 52-75.

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